If you are considering the TEAMM program it is important to know
What you are choosing. You and your team are choosing to.....
Carve out time with your core leadership to focus energy on significant leadership topics for your ministry. Often with our normal scheduling and our regular meetings we never feel that we have the time to give to the very issues we know are vital to our ministry. With TEAMM you will be carving out a significant amount of time over a five month time period.
Invite constructive input from others closely involved in your ministry. As part of TEAMM roughly twelve individuals will contribute feedback on the various leadership focus areas. This feedback will assist your core leadership team in your discussions and decision making each month. Without counsel plans go wrong but in the multitude of counselors they are established. Proverbs 15:22
Build team leadership with four to eight leaders from your ministry team. As you participate in the TEAMM program you will practice and reinforce team decision-making. No matter the governing structure of your ministry, there is great gain by allowing your leadership to appropriately play a role in seeking the Lord and shaping the ministry.
Address the important non-urgent leadership areas for your ministry. Although all of us in ministry leadership know the value of setting aside time to focus on these important leadership areas, it is difficult to give ourselves permission to do so when there is always so much to be done. Your participation in TEAMM will provide the structure and accountability needed for you to lead well by focusing on the important but non-urgent.
What commitments are necessary...
1. The lead person for your ministry needs to be part of the Core Team of 4-8 leaders who participate in the experience.
2. And it is necessary for the lead person to believe in faith that God is fully behind the timing of TEAMM coming to your doorstep. Enter into TEAMM with full confidence that it is God’s leading and with expectation to see God work.
3. Prayerful and thoughtful consideration must be given to the selection of the Core Team and each leader selected understands both the importance and commitment of full participation in all 11 TEAMM gatherings.
4. Each ministry is asked to make a dedicated effort to make prayer central to this process, including the formal recruitment of a prayer team to pray for the TEAMM effort.
5. A humble spirit and a gentle spirit is so important. TEAMM provides many individuals an opportunity to “give voice” at a deeper level than usual. In turn, TEAMM requires humbleness and gentleness for a team to move well through the program.